Інсуліночутливі тканини та маркери інсулінорезистентності за цукрового діабету 2-го типу
https://doi.org/10.24026/1818-1384.2(31).2010.97239Ключові слова:
insulin resistance, markers of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitusАнотація
The article is dedicated to the problem of insulin sensitive tissues and insulin resistance markers in type 2 diabetes. Taking into account the substantial part of the bibliographical sources we arrived at the output about the possibility to classify the known markers of insulin resistance to the markers of the first and second order. In this case, for example, adiponectin, which is manufactured in the adipose tissue in an insufficient quantity under the conditions of adipose insulin resistance, it is considered as the specific marker of insulin resistance of the first order regarding to adipose tissue. At the same time adiponectin plays the role as the unspecific marker of insulin resistance of the second order concerning the liver and muscles where it is not synthesized. In our opinion, this separation of concepts will help to organize our knowledge into entire increased quantity of markers of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus.Посилання
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