Рівень циркулюючих імунних комплексів у хворих на диференційований рак щитоподібної залози в процесі радіойодтерапії


  • Н. М. Степура Інститут ендокринології та обміну речовин ім. В.П. Комісаренка НАМН України, Київ, Ukraine
  • Г. А. Замотаєва Інститут ендокринології та обміну речовин ім. В.П. Комісаренка НАМН України, Київ, Ukraine



Ключові слова:

differentiated thyroid cancer, iodine-131, radioiodine therapy, circulating immune complexes, cumulative activity


The authors present the results of a comparative analysis of circulating immune complex content in the serum of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer depending on the presence of distant metastases and the number of courses of iodine-131 therapy. According to the aims of the study, two patient groups have been followed up: group 1 that comprised 82 patients with regional and distant metastases, and group 2 with 114 patients having received from 1 to 14 courses of iodine-131 therapy. Patients’ age was within the range from 38 to 75 years. The control group consisted of 27 donors of similar age. Circulating immune complex content was assessed at the eve of radioiodine administration and in six days, one and six months after radioiodine therapy. It has been shown that administration of therapeutic doses of iodine-131 (4130-4730 MBq) to thyroid cancer patients led to a reliable increase in immune complex content. A maximal level of immune complexes was reported in one month after iodine-131 administration. No peculiarities of radioiodine effect on the number of circulating immune complexes depending on the presence of distant metastases have been revealed. It has also been shown that an increase in cumulative activity of iodine-131 received by the patients during several courses of radioiodine therapy led to a reliable decrease in immune complex formation.

Біографії авторів

Н. М. Степура, Інститут ендокринології та обміну речовин ім. В.П. Комісаренка НАМН України, Київ

N. Stepura

Г. А. Замотаєва, Інститут ендокринології та обміну речовин ім. В.П. Комісаренка НАМН України, Київ

G. Zamotayeva


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