Динаміка показників інсулінорезистентності залежно від виду цукрознижувальної терапії у хворих із вперше виявленим цукровим діабетом 2-го типу
https://doi.org/10.24026/1818-1384.3(32).2010.96408Ключові слова:
diabetes mellitus type 2, insulin resistance index, glycated hemoglobin, glucose lowering therapy, index HOMA-IR, index QUICKI, index CaroАнотація
The investigation of dynamics of insulin resistance was performed in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (duration of disease less then three month) in the direct connection to the exchange of compensation of glucose homeostasis after start of different lines of glucose reduce therapy according to initial metabolic state of the patients. Totally 100 naive patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 was divided in 4 groups. All of them got the differentiated glucose reduce therapy in accordance with the initial state of the compensation of diabetes (the fasting and prandial level of the glucose, and level of HBA1C), as well as markers of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR insilin resistance index, and waste volume). Reasonability of selection of different option (line) of treatment in debut of disease was evaluated. The decrease of the insulin resistance markers under the influence of the different glucose reduce therapy schemes in analyzed patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 was demonstrated.Посилання
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