Особливості функціонального стану щитоподібної залози у хворих на цукровий діабет 2-го типу
https://doi.org/10.24026/1818-1384.1(30).2010.96395Ключові слова:
diabetes mellitus, thyroid gland, functional disordersАнотація
The frequency and features of thyroid gland functioning are studied, as well as their connection with the principal clinical and metabolic indices in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is established. It was found out that the frequency of thyroid activity among these patients is considerably higher than among general population. The functional disorders of thyroid status (sick euthyroid syndrome) are registered in 29.4% patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and in all cases are represented as the «low Т3» syndrome. Under conditions of compensation of carbohydrates metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus improvement of conversion of Т4 to Т3 and lowering of the portions of persons with «low Т3» syndrome are occurred.Посилання
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