Діагностичні можливості кристалографії сльози в оцінці компенсації цукрового діабету
https://doi.org/10.24026/1818-1384.2(27).2009.118184Ключові слова:
diabetes mellitus, tears’ crystallography, blood glucoseАнотація
Research objective — improvement of the control of compensation of diabetes, by means of tear crystallography. 88 patients (144 eyes) with type 2 diabetes were observed. Patients were divided into 2 groups: 20 patients (30 eyes) with HbA1c below 7,5% — I group, and 68 patients (114 eyes) with HbA1c more than 7,5% — II group. All patient underwent crystallography of tears and defined a glucose and HbA1c in blood. The special score estimation is developed for the description of tears crystallography. Results of research: the score authentically correlates with HbA1c and a glucose in blood. 80 % of patients of I group have 9 and more points, and 89,7% of patients of II group — 8 and less points by a score estimation of tear crystallography. The proposed method can be used in patients with diabetes for ancillary diagnostical teshnique for disease compensation.Посилання
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