Дистанційна радіаційна динамічна теплометрія у контролі перебігу гнійно-некротичних ускладнень синдрому діабетичної стопи
https://doi.org/10.24026/1818-1384.1(26).2009.117529Ключові слова:
diabetic foot sindrom, purulent-septic complications, thermal balanceАнотація
110 patients with diabetes and the purative-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues were threated. In a complex treatment the preparation of "Dioksizol'" was utilized during 9,3±0,6 days. The disarticulation of fingers of foot with the resection of heads of metatarsus bones were executed in 12 patients, in 6 patients amputations of extremity was made, in 92 patients the volume of operative interventions consisted in opening of phlegmons and necretomy. The initial level of thermal balance as a closeness of thermal stream from a wound was 546±14 u.t. at a base-line level to the 198±9 u.t. At comparing to initial thermal balance in the first 2-4 days acute growth of thermal stream (28,7%,40,2%) was marked with a subsequent its decline on 6,8,10 days (16,7%,-1,5%.-3,5%) of .These descriptions of level of thermal balance are objective information of the state of microcirculation, metabolism and degenerative-regenerative processes, which are taken place in a wound.Посилання
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