Особливості клінічного статусу хворих із соматотропною недостатністю перед і на тлі терапії препаратами гормону росту
https://doi.org/10.24026/1818-1384.3(28).2009.117268Ключові слова:
growth hormone deficiency, growth hormone, IGF-1 and IGF-BP-3, lipidogramma, cardio-vascular system, bone systemАнотація
Patients with growth hormone deficiency that long time were without replacement therapy along with growth deficiency had changes of lipidogramma (dyslipidemiya), cardio-vascular system (decrease of blood pressure, bradykardiya, dystrophic changes of myocardium), bone system (osteopeniya, osteoporosis). 3 months replacement therapy resulted in increasing of IGF-1 and IGF-BP-3 levels and achievement of normal values after 24 months’ treatment. It was no gender differences in the changes of IGF-1 and IGF-BP-3 before puberty. With appearance of signs of puberty we observed slow increasing of IGF-1 and IGF-BP-3 levels. At slowing down growth in patients with signs of puberty scheme of treatment with GH changed: the dose of growth hormone is increased in 1,3-2 times. The long replacement therapy with GH allowd getting satisfactory growth in patients and removing the changes in cardio-vascular, bone systems and lipidogramma.Посилання
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