Ефективність актовегіну за периферичної ангіопатії різного ступеня у хворих на цукровий діабет
https://doi.org/10.24026/1818-1384.3(28).2009.117144Ключові слова:
diabetes mellitus, diabetes foot syndrome, treatment, ActovegineАнотація
Effectiveness of Actovegine was estimated in cases of different stages of peripheral angiopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus on principles of evidence based medicine, using PEDIS classification. Levels of ТсРО2 and speed of healing among patients with critical, non crtitical ischemia and control groups were estimated before treatment, after 10, 45 days, 3 and 6 months. Actovegine prescribed intravenously 2000 mg/day during 12 days, than orally 600 mg daily up to 45 days. It was found reliable improvement of ТсРО2 in patients among "non critical ischemia group" since 10 day with effect up to 3 months, and reliable improvement of wound healing up to 6 months. Role of Actovegine in combined treatment of critical ischemia in patients with diabetes mellitus was proved scientifically.Посилання
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