Місце малоінвазійних операцій у хірургічному лікуванні пацієнтів із первинним гіперпаратиреозом
https://doi.org/10.24026/1818-1384.3(28).2009.117116Ключові слова:
primary hyperparathyroidism, minimally-invasive surgery, endoscopic operationsАнотація
Results of surgical treatment of 128 successive patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) within 2007-2008 years were analyzed in the article. 107 operations have been performed by the conventional approach with revision of all 4 parathyroid glands, 21 operations — using minimally invasive methodics (12 endoscopic operations and 9 targeted operations through mini incision). Multiglandular disease was observed in 12.5% of all cases. Comparison of conventional and minimally invasive surgery demonstrates advantages of the endoscopic and targeted operations in cosmetic results and recovery time having the same rate of complications. The obligatory conditions for effective minimally invasive operations in patients with PHPT include undoubtful localisation of adenoma, low risk of multiglandular disease, availability of quick parathyroid hormone assay (at least — in few days).Посилання
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